Kinnavy Announcement | Walnut Creek, CA Lifestyle Photographer

I can still remember the first time I met Shannon. We were at the dog park, she was incredibly fit, incredibly tan and had three chocolate labs. I was immediately drawn to her. We became friends over the years and I loved watching my dog romp around with her three. Earlier this year her 7 year old lab and leader of the pack, Charlie, was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. While the Kinnavy's fought in vain to get their boy better, he eventually had to be laid to rest so he was no longer in pain.

During this time, and actually on Charlie's 8th birthday, they received the wonderful news they were expecting. It had been a long time of trying and praying and most definitely a rainbow among the storm. I was honored to be able to capture not only saying goodbye to Charlie, bringing him back to the hills he loved so much. But also in saying hello to new life, in the form of a pregnancy announcement.

Dogs touch parts of our soul that we often don't know existed and that's not always something everyone understands. My favorite saying is that no matter how long a dog lives, it's never long enough. Thank you for allowing me to share in your moments. <3

They had buried him under our elm tree, they said — yet this was not totally true. For he really lay buried in my heart.
— Willie Morris, My Dog Skip